Monday, June 7, 2010

Last blog.

Well here's my last blog, hope you've enjoyed reading about diving because I've enjoyed writing about a subject that I hold close to my heart. Hopefully you all have a chance to try some of the dives that I explained how to do because they're really fun to do. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed and hope you try things out.

Making Mistakes, its alright.

It's easy to make mistakes but here's some that are caught on tape, mistakes can happened any time during competition or practice, but it's really funny when someone messes up really badly but when they could get hurt it's so funny anymore here's a little part of the clip, some you may notice that one kid isn't using a diving board, that's because they're practicing doing it on the ground instead of off the water, which I think is a really bad idea for one reason and one reason only, because the stupid kid or better yet the stupid teacher or coach told him to do a flip, most likely the first time on the floor, hitting your neck on the ground isn't a good idea, I personally think that hitting yourself off water is was less painful and a little more forgiving.

Here's the video of people messing up on their dives,

Synchro diving

Synchro diving is when two divers dive at the same time. They are either doing the same dive or doing the same type of dive but not in the same direction.
This video is a pair of divers doing a back double or triple somersault, it's hard to tell because they're going so fast, but whether it's two or three it still is a synchronized dive.

Synchronized diving is a great way to perfect dives because you learn how to do a dive the same way every single time, because you have to do the same as your partner is doing. It also pushes you to improve because your doing your dives individually but your also a team and you wouldn't want to let your teammate down because you didn't pull your weight.
When the judges are judging synchro dives the usually give points for level of difficulty, entry (the way they go into the water) and if they go in at the same time. Also the biggest point is that if they actually do the dive at the same time and synchronized